Saturday, February 15, 2014

I Heart U

Leaving important messages for the world.

Yesterday I was at the grocery and saw a handful of guys wandering around the gift displays, eyeing the candy boxes and stuffed animals and balloons, trying to figure out what would be an acceptable gift. I was a little amused by it, they all looked vaguely confused and frustrated, no doubt in part because they felt like they were expected to come up with something romantic. There may have been a lot riding on that gift. I hope it worked out well for all of them today.

We never really did much on Valentine's Day. Sometimes we'd go out for dinner. One year he bought me wonderful gift that I'll treasure forever, but mostly we didn't really treat it as a special day. We were mushy and romantic all year, we didn't need a holiday for that.

Still, I wouldn't have let the day pass unnoticed, I would always take any excuse to be a little extra mushy and leave little hearts all over the house. This year I'll be cuddled up with a blanket and pillows and plushie doll, but Jeff, you are still, and always my Valentine. ♥

cross posted from Kything NaturesZen

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